Ken Moon
Assistant Professor of Operations, Information and Decisions
@The Wharton School
University of Pennsylvania
I am an Assistant Professor of Operations, Information and Decisions and Claude Marion Endowed Faculty Scholar at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. I develop and apply empirical methods and data analytics to workforces and marketplaces. I received an undergraduate degree in Mathematics and Economics from Stanford University, a JD from the Harvard Law School, and a PhD from the Stanford Graduate School of Business.
Research Interests
I apply modeling, empirical analysis, and algorithms to study the operations of workforces and of marketplaces.
I have collaborated with or advised partners including Apple, Penn Medicine, JD.com, eBay, Facebook (Meta), and Upwork.
My research interests center on the productivity of workers and platforms and the role of technology and data in complex operations. I focus on the study of information and incentives in marketplaces and lead several efforts to incorporate new methods of data collection and analysis to enhance the productivity of workforces (e.g., using sensors to accelerate learning and prevent harmful burnout and stress for ICU nurses and fighter jet pilots).
& Papers
Manufacturing Productivity with Worker Turnover
K. Moon, D. Brown, P. Bergemann, J. Chu, E. Eisen, G. Fischer, P. Loyalka, S. Rho, J. Cohen
When to Be Agile: Ratings and Version Updates in Mobile Apps
G. Allon, G. Askalidis, R. Berry, N. Immorlica, K. Moon, A. Singh
The Hidden Cost of Worker Turnover: Attributing Product Reliability to the Turnover of Factory Workers
Strategic Choices and Routing in Service Networks: Modeling and Estimation Using Machine Learning
Reject and resubmit at Manufacturing & Services Operations Management
Matching in Labor Marketplaces: The Role of Experiential Information
Measuring Strategic Behavior by Gig Economy Workers: Multihoming and Repositioning
G. Allon, D. Chen, K. Moon
An Empirical Study of Blockchain-Driven Transparency in a Consumer Marketplace
Managing Multihoming Workers in the Gig Economy
G. Allon, M. Cohen, K. Moon, W. Sinchaisri